Data Types
- Contact Data: This data was collected from the conversation between the customers and the customer care executives. The data included details such as the customer’s name, email, address, and phone number.
- User Data: This data indicated the details collected during the registration or account set up process. It included information such as the customer’s name, email, MyChoice registration status, address, phone number, and other Customer account-related information.
- HEAT Data: This encompassed all shipment-related information such as shipment ID, tracking numbers, ship-from and ship-to addresses & names.
Data Processing & Consolidation
- These data from various sources were processed by different internal teams. The real-time data was then transmitted to Customer 360 via Kafka/MQ/Google PubSub (the method varies depending on the data source).
- Within the Customer 360 application, the raw data was stored in Google BigTable. Then, this data was processed using a custom matching logic to consolidate customers’ information under a single profile.
Data Load
It was responsible for storing all the data from different sources such as Kafka, IBM, MQ. It extracted information like name, email address, contact information, residential address which was used for matching same data from different sources. Those data were sent to ICM via Kafka.
Intelligent Customer Matching (ICM) consolidated the data from different sources and matched with the respective user, so that it could be found when searched.
This application was implemented to index the data during the search